MRT logoMaterial React Table

Migrating to Material React Table V2 from V1

New Feature Highlights

  1. The new optional, but recommended useMaterialReactTable hook that allows you to create the table instance in your own scope. All examples in the docs will use this pattern going forward.

  2. Greatly improved Editing and Creating features.

  3. New Row Pinning Features

  4. New Column Filtering 'popover' display mode to give a more "excel-like" filtering experience.

  5. New Date and Date Range Filter variants

  6. New Autocomplete Filter variant

  7. New Pagination UI options

Breaking Changes

  • @mui/x-date-pickers v >=6.15.0 is now a required peer dependency. Install it with:

npm i @mui/x-date-pickers
  • If you use the date picker features, you will also need to import the LocalizationProvider from @mui/x-date-pickers and wrap your app in it. See here for more details.

import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';
export const App = () => {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={(theme = createTheme({}))}>
{/* Add this if using date filter features */}
<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
<MyApp />
  • MaterialReactTable is now a named export instead of a default export. Use curly braces to import it.

- import MaterialReactTable from 'material-react-table'
+ import { MaterialReactTable, useMaterialReactTable } from 'material-react-table'
  • There is no longer a tableInstanceRef prop. It has been replaced by the useMaterialReactTable hook, which is way easier to use. It will also be recommended that all table options should be passed to the new useMaterialReactTable hook instead as props to the <MaterialReactTable /> component. See below for more details.

Renamed Props/Options

  • editingMode -> editDisplayMode

  • enablePinning -> enableColumnPinning and enableRowPinning

  • virtualizerInstanceRef split into columnVirtualizerRef and rowVirtualizerRef

  • virtualizerProps split into columnVirtualizerOptions and rowVirtualizerOptions

  • columnVirtualizerProps -> columnVirtualizerOptions

  • rowVirtualizerProps -> rowVirtualizerOptions

  • muiTablePaginationProps -> muiPaginationProps

  • muiTableBodyCellCopyButtonProps -> muiCopyButtonProps

  • muiTableBodyCellEditTextFieldProps -> muiEditTextFieldProps

  • muiTableBodyCellSkeletonProps -> muiSkeletonProps

  • muiTableBodyRowDragHandleProps -> muiRowDragHandleProps

  • muiTableDetailPanelProps -> muiDetailPanelProps

  • muiTableHeadCellColumnActionsButtonProps -> muiColumnActionsButtonProps

  • muiTableHeadCellDragHandleProps -> muiColumnDragHandleProps

  • muiTableHeadCellFilterCheckboxProps -> muiFilterCheckboxProps

  • muiTableHeadCellFilterTextFieldProps -> muiFilterTextFieldProps

  • muiTableHeadCellFilterSliderProps -> muiFilterSliderProps


Passing all table options as props to <MaterialReactTable /> will still work, but there is a new and better way to define table options with the useMaterialReactTable hook.

For example, here is a classic example for how to use Material React Table in V1 (still works in V2):

import { MaterialReactTable } from 'material-react-table';
export const MyTableComponent = () => {
// const tableInstanceRef = useRef(); //deprecated
return (
//Defining table options as props to <MaterialReactTable /> still works (as long as you don't also pass in a table prop)
enableRowSelection //table options as props
// tableInstanceRef={tableInstanceRef} //deprecated

But now, you can define all table options in the useMaterialReactTable.

import {
} from 'material-react-table';
export const MyTableComponent = () => {
const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableRowSelection: true, //table options as options to this hook
return (
table={table} //only pass in table instead of all table options

Why is useMaterialReactTable Better?

There are a few reasons why having full access to the table instance is better than having MRT create it under the hood for you.

  1. No more need for a confusing tableInstanceRef prop that doesn't properly cause re-renders when the table instance changes. Now any component that consumes the table instance will properly re-render when the table instance changes.

  2. Allows for you to not need to use all of Material React Table's components. For example, if you only want to use the Table component with no TableContainer or Toolbars, you can simply import a different component from Material React Table.

import { MRT_Table, useMaterialReactTable } from 'material-react-table';
export const MyTableComponent = () => {
const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableRowSelection: true,
const selectedRows = table.getSelectedRowModel().rows;
return (
//this internal sub-component does not include the Paper, TableContainer, or Toolbars (lighter weight)
<MRT_Table table={table} />